How Sensemaking Makes Your Life Better

Your World Is Broken

The way you understood the world before is wrong. Relearn how to understand with simple Sensemaking principles.
The course helps you create your own playbooks to navigate the modern media + information environment.
It challenges you to do the hard internal work, so that you can manifest a better and clearer understanding of the external world.

What is Sensemaking?

  • Learn to orient yourself in the information environment.

  • Develop skills to navigate uncertainty.

  • Build your own psychological map.

  • Carry a compass to guide your way.

What You Get From This Class

  • End Information Overwhelm

    Master your information diet so you stop being disoriented and start listening to only what matters.

  • Learn To Trust Your Gut

    Stop letting others control you. Discover why you already know what you need to know and how to access that perspective.

  • Be Happier

    Reclaim lost hours due to your polluted information environment, simplify your life, and create more space for contentment.

Message from your Sensemaking Coach

Michael Guimarin

This work is hard. I've coached dozens of students through this paradigm shift and the results are powerful. I can coach you too.

What Students Are Saying

More Valuable Than I Anticipated

Tim W.

I wanted to understand the world and my place in it better. It seems like so much crazy stuff is happening, this seemed like an awesome first step. I learned [from the course] so much more about myself and the way I make decisions. My expectations [going in] were high, and I was open minded. Because of what I learned about myself, I found the course a lot more valuable than I was anticipating.

Delivered Far Above The Price Tag

Michael K.

This was a subject I have a fascination and experience in. I got more out of the course than I was hoping. [Michael] delivered far above the price tag. I would absolutely recommend the course. It ties together some of the most important concepts and issues.

Tactical, Useful Tools

Tyler W.

My primary motivation [for taking this course] was to improve my adaptive capacity in the world and information environment we find ourselves in. Post course, I have tactical + useful tools now to help me on a daily basis. I would recommend this course because the information environment is a problem for everybody’s life whether they acknowledge it or not.

I Wanted Something I Could Teach My Kids

Andrew G.

I have noticed that there has been an extreme increase in information, misinformation, and disinformation. I learned that I was not alone in my feeling that things are getting much harder to parse both true and real. I got out of the course what I was looking for and more. I wanted something I could teach to my kids before they graduate high school, and I got that. I’m trying to recommend the course as much as possible.

Lots Of Great Heuristics

Sam H.

I joined the course to radically improve my decision making for medium and long term strategic gain. I wanted to get better at making good decisions under duress and uncertainty. This course provided me with lots of great heuristics that I was able to scaffold from my current understanding. Not only did I get what I wanted, but unexpectedly got more.


  • How long does the class take?

    1 section per week is optimal. That gives you time to reflect and practice what you learn. This takes 12 weeks. You can also do 2 sections per week to finish the class in 6 weeks.

  • How much time do I need per week?

    If you are taking 1 section per week the class takes 1 to 2 hours per week. If you are taking 2 sections per week please budget 2 to 3 hours per week.

  • What if I don't see results?

    If you take 1 section per week, you'll start seeing results by the end of 30 days. If you don't see results by then, email us and we'll provide a full refund.

  • Is there a live class option?

    I offer live Sensemaking classes only for advanced topics. This on demand class is the only Basics class available.

  • Can I pause in the middle of the class and finish it later?

    Yes! If you need to pause for more than a week, I recommend you review the previous section video to refresh yourself before you dive back in.

Choose Your Price

Choose Lifetime if you may want to enjoy access to the course for more than 4 months. 30 day money back guarantee.